Monday, January 11, 2010

Don't Ask. Don't Tell..Well Maybe

Everyone has heard of the rule : Don't Ask. Don't Tell.. Right?...Right! Is that rule always true when its placed on the other foot? Can you consider it a lie or is that you didn't ask, so no one told you! They always say a closed mouth doesn't get fed.
I believe this rule doesn't apply in relationships. A relationship between two people is consisted of trust and being able to tell your significant other anything, because lovers are supposed to be best friends. If you can't share a secret with your significant other, is that really love and does that violate the trust that is supposed to be shared between the two?
News is worse when it is heard from a third party and is often distorted by time it comes back around, so it would be best to tell your significant other before they hear the news from someone else. If they were told by their significant other, the news would be easier to grasp and easier to work through, but once others get involved, things become difficult.
I have never believed in the don't ask, don't tell rule, because if we are in love, we should be able to share anything, we're best friends right and best friends share everything, REAL best friends do!

-signed Sunnykeye-

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